Events for 11 May 2023 - 11 January 2023

Judo Education – KS 2 Assembly

Mr Finney from Judo Education will be delivering 2 assemblies to children in KS 2. Assembly 1 - 2 year groups Assembly 2 - remaining 2 year groups. The children will bring home a flyer after the assembly with more information. The times and dates for the sessions are as [...]

Miss Worrall visits Hindsford Day Nursery

Miss Worrall will be visiting the children in nursery for the next 8 weeks. She will be taking the children for some interesting physical development tasks.

Tempest Photography

Further information will be sent in the weekly newsletter.

Half Term Holiday

School is closed for the week as it is the half term break. We reopen on Monday, 1st November, 2021. Before and After School Clubs resume from Monday 1st November.

School Reopens

Breakfast Club resumes at 7.30 am School registration is open from 8.45 am After School Provision resumes.

Flu Immunisation

Information regarding this and the link for parents to sign up for will be sent once it has arrived in school. The link should arrive in school in September and we will send this straight out to parents.

Design and Technology Week

This week, the children will be engaging in a design and technology project.

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