Events for 15 December 2021 - 21 September 2021

Christmas Mass

The children will celebrate mass with Father Paul in the school hall. Families are welcome to attend.

School Closes today

Today is the last day of the Autumn Term. We wish all our children and their families a peaceful and holy Christmas. We look forward to seeing you all in 2020.

Staff INSET day

Statutory Training Day for school staff

School re-opens after Christmas

School re-opens as normal today. Breakfast club, activity club and after school clubs are all available

Open Day

Drop-in session for any prospective parents (children too). Whether you've already decided to apply for our school or are still undecided. Please contact the office to book an appointment or feel free to call in as you pass school.

Last Day – Reception 2020

Today is the last day to submit your application form for a place in a Reception Class starting this September in Primary Schools.

Y6 Worship Assembly

Y6 parents are welcome to share in our whole school worship. Today's theme is on the topic of 'Sources'. The children in Year 6 will lead the worship. The usual celebration assembly will follow.

Digital Leaders Assembly

Children, who are 'Digital Leaders' will lead the assembly. The theme of the assembly will again focus on 'Staying Safe in the Digital World'. Parents of children who are digital leaders are welcome to attend.

Y1 Rejoice Assembly

Year 1 warmly invite their families into school to share in the 'Rejoice' session of their Religious Education work.

Premier Sports + Atherton Town Taster Session – Reception and Year 1

Premier Sports and Atherton Town Football Club are holding a taster session for children in Reception and Year 1. Premier Sports are setting up a tots' football weekly session in the area and as the children progress (age) there is a pathway into Atherton Town Football Club.

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