Events for July 5 - April 26

Year 6 Rejoice Assembly

Parents of children in Year 6 are invited to their children's Rejoice assembly held in class. Times to be shared via email closer to the time.

Celebration Assembly

Today's assembly is a celebration of the children's work.

KS1 Family Mass – led by Year 2

Parents of children in Key Stage 1 are invited to St. Richard's Church to celebrate mass. Children in Year 2 will be taking an active role in mass.

Christmas Lunch


Christmas Lunch Day. More details nearer the time.

Key Stage 2 Carol Concert

St. Richard's Church Mayfield St, Atherton

Our Key Stage 2 children will prepare for Christmas through the Carol Concert. St. Richards Church. Time to be shared closer to the time - Afternoon.

EYFS / KS1 Nativity


Our EYFS and Key Stage 1 children will retell the Christmas Story in their own way. Tickets and times to be shared nearer the time - Afternoon.

EYFS / KS1 Nativity


Our EYFS and Key Stage 1 children will retell the Christmas Story in their own way. Tickets and times to be shared nearer the time - Morning.

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