Events for July 5 - April 26

End of Year Assessments

Children in Years 2 through to Year 5 will undertake the following tests: Reading Maths - Arithmetic and Reasoning Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Some children will undertake a separate phonics test during this week.

Low Bank Ground – Year 6 Residential

Year 6 have the opportunity to visit Low Bank Ground for a 4 night residential. Low Bank Ground is situated in Coniston. From the dining room window you can see out across Coniston Water and on clear days, you can see the top of the 'Old Man of Coniston'.

Assembly – Digital Leaders

Today's assembly will be lead by our Digital Leaders who will be reminding all of our pupils how to stay safe when online.

Y6 St. Mary’s Transition Morning

Children attending St. Mary's in September will be attending St. Mary's this morning. More information to be sent to parents from St. Mary's. Parents to sort transportation to and from St. Mary's.

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