Events for 4 October 2021 - 20 May 2020

Y4 Worship Assembly

Y4 parents are welcome to share in our whole school worship. Today's theme is on the topic of 'Gifts'. The children in Year 4 will lead the worship. The usual celebration assembly will follow.

Family Mass – Y1 and Y6

All parents and children are warmly invited to help us celebrate mass at St. Richard's church. Children in Years 1 and 6 will take part in the readings, bidding prayers and 'The Offertory'.

Open Evening

If you have a child starting school in September 2020 then please come along to out Open Evening where you will have an opportunity to look around our school, speak with staff, children, governors and members of the FRIENDS group.

Y6 Worship Assembly

Y6 parents are welcome to share in our whole school worship. Today's theme is on the topic of 'Expectations'. The children in Year 6 will lead the worship. The usual celebration assembly will follow.

Design Technology Week

A range of textiles (KS2) and food technology (KS1) activities will be taking place throughout the week.

Reception and Year 6 Measurements

Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles will be coming in to complete the statutory 'National Measurements Programme' in the morning with Reception and Y6.

Celebration Assembly

A celebration of the children's work will be shared with school. This is a new feature for school. More details nearer the time.

Christmas Fair

Friends of Sacred Heart Christmas Fair - 3.30pm

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