Events for 14 January 2020 - 21 March 2020

Ann Angel – Judaism Day

A visit from Ann Angel to help bring the Judaism work alive and add a real life context to our teachings

African Drumming

As part of 'Black History Month' , the children will have an opportunity to partake in a variety of Drumming experiences.

Judaism Celebration Assembly

Year 2 will lead the assembly. A selection of children from different classes will also reflect on the work covered on Judaism this week and share it with the rest of school. This is a new feature for school.

Book Bus Visits School

The Book Bus will be visiting school today. During the day, all children will have an opportunity to visit the bus. Books can be purchased on the day. More details nearer the time.

Friends AGM

Annual Friends AGM. If you're interested in contributing to the group, or would like to come along to find out about the work of Friends, then please come along to the meeting. Biscuits and tea / coffee are available.

Y3 Class Rejoice

Year 3 warmly invite their families into school to share in the 'Rejoice' session of their Religious Education work.

World Mental Health Day

Children to come into school wearing their own clothes in recognition of World Mental Health Day.

CAFOD Assembly

Representatives from CAFOD will visit school and talk about their work with the children.

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