Events for June 12 - May 23

Smite taster session

ATSA taster session - Letters to be sent to those involved

Zumba taster session

ATSA Taster Session - letters to be sent home to those involved

Maths Reasoning Club (3)

a group of children  from Y6 will visit Parklee School to partake in mathematical reasoning activities.

Carols and Choirs at Christmas

As part of the music curriculum we provide in school, the children in Y4, along with members of the choir, will be taking part in a large-scale singing event entitled Carols and Choirs at Christmas which will involve almost 400 children from across the Wigan Borough. The children will leave [...]

Chocolate Bingo

Reception and Key Stage 1 - 2.30pm Key Stage 2 - 3.40pm Parents and Grandparents welcome to support their children.

Christmas Jumper Day

Christmas Jumper Day today. Money raised will go to Manchester Children's Hospital

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