Events for 18 December 2019 - 22 November 2019

Y4 Swimming

Children in Year 4 start their swimming lessons - part of the PE National Curriculum

Key Stage 2 Study Support Meeting

Parents are invited to come and meet their child's class teacher. Class routines, homework and the year ahead will be discussed.

Key Stage 1 Study Support Meeting

Parents in Years 1 and 2, are invited to come and meet their child's class teacher. Class routines, homework and the year ahead will be discussed.

Harvest Assembly – Y6

Y6 parents are welcome to share in our whole school worship. Today's theme is on the topic of 'Loving' and is linked to the harvest. Donations of tinned and packet food is warmly welcomed. All donations will be sent to the local Food Bank. The usual celebration assembly will follow.

Hinning House – Y6

The Y6 residential to the Lake District. We hope the weather is kind and the children have a fantastic time.

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